For lovers of quality shoes, has Paraboot been an institution and a living legend, in production since 1908. The rugged signature moc-toe shoes are worn by the most stylish people and are found in the best stores.
When other shoe manufacturers took shortcuts to cheaper manufacturing methods in the 1940s, Paraboot stuck to original quality. The soles are still made by Paraboot, with latex rubber from Brazil’s Pará region.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found here.
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We currently offer personal style advice through both digital and in-person customer meetings near our headquarters in Borås, Sweden.
If you're interested in booking a session with our personal shopper, send an email to us at [email protected], specifying whether you prefer a digital or in-person meeting, and we will get back to you with more details and available time slots.
Our style advisors look forward to helping you update your wardrobe and invest in timeless, quality garments!